Who are we
Gruppo Vender (Italy) established Italinox Group to expand their business activities in Central Europe. At the beginning of 1992, Italinox Prague was founded, followed by Italinox Slovakia in 1993, Italinox Polska, Italinox Hungária and then other Italinox companies throughout Eastern Europe. In 1997, the first Service Centre in Central Europe was opened near Prague (Říčany/Jažlovice), operated by EURINOX spol. s.r.o. s.r.o.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialist will contact you as soon as possible.
Zděbradská 58/59
251 01 Říčany – JažloviceITALINOX s.r.o.
Vintrovna 19
664 41 Brno – PopůvkyITALINOX s.r.o.
Místecká 927
739 21 Paskov